Those accepted abstracts and presented in the APACPH-KL Early Career Global Public Health Conference will be published in the Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC) - Scopus Indexed Journal.




The Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC) was founded in 1996 and is an international journal dealing with all aspects of research in health and translational medicine. When JUMMEC (abbreviated for "Journal of University of Malaya Medical Centre") was first conceived, it was only publishing research findings that had been conducted in University of Malaya Medical Centre. Over the next few years, this journal grew in function and rapidly became popular amongst the local universities. It was not long thereafter that this journal began to gain interest by the international research community. In 2012, it was decided that a change in the journal name had to be made in order to reflect the international participation and the international contributions to this journal. However, we have never deviated from our primary aim, which is to facilitate the exchange of ideas, techniques, and information among all members of the medical health practitioners and scientists alike.

Topics covered include: All aspect of medicine, medical systems and management; surgical and medicinal procedures; epidemiological studies; surgery and procedures (of all tissues); resuscitation; biomechanics; rehabilitation; basic science of local and systemic response related to the medical sciences; fundamental research of all types provided it is related to medical sciences; cell, proteins and gene related research; all branches of medicine which may include (but not limited to) anaesthesia, radiology, surgery, orthopaedics, ortholaryngiology etc.

Regular features include original research papers; review articles; case reports; ideas and innovations detailing novel and effective solutions to surgical and medical problems; Reports on experiments; Basic science and fundamental research reports; book reviews; calendar of world-wide meetings.


To proceed with the submission guideline, please visit the JUMMEC Official Website.


Print ISSN:1823-7339
: Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya






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