University of Malaya Academia-Community Engagement (UM ACE) 2019 is an annual conference organized by the University of Malaya’s Community and Sustainability Center (UMCares). It is the 3rd series, following the success of PAKUM 2018.

This conference acts as a platform that enables researchers and organizations to share valuable information and experiences which will subsequently contribute to the execution of more refined community projects. The ultimate goal of UM ACE 2019 is to improve the quality of future community projects by exchanging insights via oral and poster presentations. UM ACE 2019 will involve speakers with professional expertise and experiences in the engagement of community projects. The anticipated participation from participants and guests will allow a greater contribution in achieving the maximum impact on the community through UM ACE 2019. 


  1. As a platform to showcase and share the experiences on community projects by researchers and organizations.

  2. To give an opportunity for researchers involved in community projects to discuss, exchange opinions and share any effective practices in community projects.

  3. To increase national and international industrial collaboration opportunities.


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