This symposium acts as a platform that enables researchers and organizations to share valuable information and experience which will subsequently contribute to carrying out more refined community projects. The goal of UMACE Symposium 2022 is to improve the quality of future community projects by exchanging insights via oral and poster presentations. UMACE Symposium 2022 will involve speakers with professional expertise and experience in the engagement of community projects. The anticipated participation by the guests will allow a greater contribution in achieving the maximum impact. For UMACE Symposium 2022, it will be conducted in two platforms: online (webinar) and on-site.


  • To provide an interactive hybrid platform by showcasing and sharing experience of community projects led by UM researchers and other participating organizations.

  • To support the community's research projects via exchanging ideas and opinions as well as sharing cutting edge, latest and effective practices in handling community projects that lead to impacting the nation.

  • To magnetize collaboration opportunities via face-to-face connection and via digital platforms with adaptation to the new normal.


The conference normally attracts 150-200 participants from all over the nation as well as regionally. Participants will come and learn from the best in their respective fields, specifically in areas of UMCares project clusters i.e., measuring and impact monitoring on education, health, entrepreneurship, ICT and technology, sport and recreation, environmental development, social welfare, rural development, and national and cultural heritage conservation. Participants will have the opportunity to update themselves on the latest trends and emerging issues in the community engagement and as well as network with their peers from other organizations. 






Maklumat umum

Puan Nor Azlin Mat Radi

Phone: 03-7967 7358

Dr. Azizi Abu Bakar

Phone: 03-7967 7360


Puan Nor Aishah Abu Kassim

Phone: 03-7967 7357

Laman web

Encik Muhammad Asyraf Mansor

Phone: 03-7967 2436

Pembayaran yuran

Puan Siti Nurhana Samsuddin

Phone: 03-7967 4643 / 03-7967 4698

Garis panduan (abstrak/lisan)

Dr. Siti Idayu Hassan