Guest Speaker 


Associate Professor Dr. Mas Suryalis Ahmad

Associate Professor Dr. Mas Suryalis Ahmad graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Malaya 
in 2006, as well as Doctor of Clinical Dentistry and Doctor of Philosophy degrees from the University of Melbourne in 2016.
Dr Mas is a Fellow and Malaysian Section Chairperson of the Pierre Fauchard Academy. She is also a Fellow 
of the International College of Dentists and the Academy of Dentistry Internationale, as well as a 
Member of the College of Dental Specialists, Academy of Medicine Malaysia. Additionally, Dr Mas is the Editor-in-Chief 
of the Malaysian Dental Journal and the Honorary Publication Secretary of the Malaysian Dental Association. 
She has won many international awards for research, innovation and personal endeavours, particularly in the area of 
Special Care Dentistry, Gerodontology and Dental Education. Dr Mas currently is the Deputy Dean of Student Affairs, 
and teaches Special Care Dentistry at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Teknologi MARA and many other universities 
across Malaysia and SouthEast Asia. She has also been recently appointed as Adjunct Associate Professor at 
the University of Puthisastra, Cambodia.

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