(Note : All selected and accepted papers will be published in 2020)

1. The best 20 papers will be selected for publication in a special issue of Materials Science and Engineering TechnologyMaterialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik (ISI Web of Science Indexed)

2. Selected papers will be published in Journal of Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (Scopus - Indexed)

3. All accepted papers will be published in AIP Conference Proceedings (Scopus - Indexed)


Full paper submission :

  1. All papers must be in English.
  2. Please keep a second copy of your paper in your office (just in case anything gets lost in the mail).
  3. When receiving the paper, we assume that the corresponding authors grant us the copyright to use the paper for the book or journal in question.
  4. Should authors use tables or figures from other publications, they must ask the corresponding publishers to grant them the right to publish this material in their paper.
  5. The online paper submission deadline is on 15 June 2019. Please follow the guidelines to prepare your paper. 
  6. For publication in AIP Conference Proceeding, no page limitation for the full paper. 

To submit your paper please log in to your account in the system. For any inquiry or question, you can email the secretariat at