Invitation is now open for abstract submission on topics (in alphabetical order) including, but not limited to the following:

3D Printing □ Additive Manufacturing □ Alloys □ Biomaterials □ Carbon Based Materials □ Casting and Solidification □ Cement and Related Materials □ Ceramic Materials □ Characterization □ Coatings and Surface Engineering □ Composite Materials □ Computational Materials Science □ Corrosion and Degradation of Materials □ Electronic, Magnetic and Photonic Materials □ Fibrous Materials and Textiles □ Glasses □ Laser Processing □ Machining and Forming Technologies □ Materials for Energy Applications □ Mechanical Behaviour □ Nanoscale Materials □ Natural Materials □ Polymers and Soft Materials □ Powder Technology □ Recycling of Materials □ Sensor Materials □ Welding and Joining ■


The official language of the conference is English.


Language in abstract and paper

American English is to be used throughout. To avoid unnecessary errors you are strongly advised to use the `spell-check’ and `grammar-check’ functions of your word processor. Authors who feel their English language paper may require editing to eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors to conform to proper scientific English are encouraged to seek professional service for this purpose. Abstracts and papers which do not conform to the above requirements will not be considered for publication in the journal listed.


Submission of paper to Scopus-Indexed Proceedings

Submission of paper will be assisted by the Editorial Committee of ICoSEM2019.


Oral presentation

Specific time will be allocated for oral presentations. Authors will be notified by ICoSEM2019 Secretariat in advance on the time slots. All authors must be present during the allocated time. The lecture hall will be equipped with a laptop computer (c/w Windows operating system and multimedia digital projector). The speakers need to insert their MS PowerPoint slides in the laptop provided in 15 minutes before the session start.


Abstract guidelines

1. Prepare your abstract in MS Word according to this guideline 

2. Abstract should not be more than 1 page

3. Must be written in strict accordance with the format

4. All abstract should be written in English

5. Make sure your abstract file will have a filename “(Topic field)-Abstract title.doc”

For example:

Composite-Fiber reinforced metal matrix composite.doc