A) For Conference Presenter

Create Platform (UMEvent) Account

1. Register for the UMEvent platform at https://umevent.um.edu.my/register/

2. Click on the Account Verification link in your email and login

3. Select ASEAN POSTGRADUATE CONFERENCE 2023 in the Upcoming Conferences.

4. Fill up your personal information

5. For the Role field ("As a"), select 'PRESENTER'


B) For Conference Participant (Non-Presenter)

Create Platform (UMEvent) Account

1. Register for the UMEvent platform at https://umevent.um.edu.my/register/

2. Click on the Account Verification link in your email and login

3. Select ASEAN POSTGRADUATE CONFERENCE 2023 in the Upcoming Conferences.

4. Fill up your personal information

5. For the Role field ("As a"), select 'PRESENTER' 
(Note: Even if you choose to attend as "Non-Presenter", please select "PRESENTER" to submit your abstract)


C) For Conference Attendee

Create Platform (UMEvent) Account

1. Register for the UMEvent platform at https://umevent.um.edu.my/register/

2. Click on the Account Verification link in your email and login

3. Select ASEAN POSTGRADUATE CONFERENCE 2023 in the Upcoming Conferences.

4. Fill up your personal information

5. For the Role field ("As a"), select 'PARTICIPANT'


For more details, please check this link: https://umevent.um.edu.my/manual/umconference-login_upload_paper.mp4


Abstract Submission

1. Login to your UMEvent account at https://umevent.um.edu.my/login/

2. Click 'Abstract is Empty' on the APGC 2023 landing page in UMEvent

3. Prepare an abstract (not exceeding 250 words) on the topic of your sub-theme interest 

4. Indicate 4-5 keywords for the abstract, including the topic of interest

5. Complete the information required at the 'Abstract Submission Form' and attach your abstract according to the template given in MS Word File

6. Submit the form


Confirmation and Payment

1. After receiving the abstract acceptance notification (latest by 16 October 2023), proceed to payment on the APGC landing page in UMEvent.

2. Follow the instructions given on the payment page. More details.

3. Please email a copy of the receipt to apgc@um.edu.my with the title '[Presenter's Name] APGC 2023'

4. The payment status will be confirmed once the Secretariat has verified the receipt of your payment

5. Payment is non-refundable
*Please make your payment by 25 October 2023.


For more details on abstract submission and payment, kindly refer to this link https://umevent.um.edu.my/manual/umconference-login_upload_paper.mp4


Invitation Letter

Should you need an invitation letter for visa application purposes, don't hesitate to get in touch with apgc@um.edu.my


Registration Fee

The registration fee for paper submission for locals and internationals is shown in the table below.

Registration Fee




IPTA/IPTS students/professional



International Institute students/professional




IPTA/IPTS students/professional



International Institute students/professional



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