This article serves as the template for an abstract for all papers submitted to the Year 2024 International Conference on Smart Advanced Manufacturing (ICSAM 2024). All abstracts will be peer-reviewed by our panels. Please use this template when preparing the abstract. This will ensure a uniform format in the publication.  
Format of the Abstract  
  1. The abstracts should be prepared in Microsoft Word and written in English (UK) 

  2. The abstract should include:

    • Title: Please provide a descriptive title of the paper. The title should be concise and not more than 2 lines. Use Arial with a font size of 14 pts, UPPERCASE and in boldface for the title.

    • Author(s) and Affiliation(s): Include name of author(s) in full which include the first name, middle initial and surnames. The name of the corresponding author should be underlined and asterisked. The affiliations of all the authors should be included (a full address is not allowed).

    • E-mail: The email address of the Corresponding Author.

    • Abstract: Use Arial font with a font size of 10 pts for the abstract. The main text should be justified on both sides. Please ensure that your abstract contains no more than 250 words. Please avoid diagrams, illustrations, tables, references or graphics in the abstract. Provide maximum relevant information in the abstract and if the subject matter is empirical, the following structure is obligatory: The Introduction, objective, methods, results, and conclusions

    • Keywords: Maximum 5 keywords, arranged according to alphabets and separated by semicolons. 

  3. Throughout the abstract, use Arial font with single spacing between lines. The recommended font size is 14 pts for the paper title and 11 pts elsewhere. The main text should be justified on both sides.

  4. We are inviting industrial people to share your synopsis / case study / industrial report / industry issues / major issues / industry sharing in this conference.

  5. Participants are given options to choose either oral (physically/virtually) or poster presentation. 



           Download Abstract's Template   


  Abstract and Full Papers can be uploaded in the participant's portal. For portal registration instructions, please refer to the Registration page.