1. Please submit the abstract to IDTC2024

  2. The abstract should be submitted in a Microsoft Word document.

  3. The deadline for abstract submission is 10th February 2024, 5.00pm.

  4. The abstract should be 300 words or less (not including the title, authors’ name, address and keywords).

  5. Font type and size:

  • The text should be typed using single spacing

  • Title: Arial, size 11, Capital Letters, Bold

  • Authors: Arial, size 11 (please use superscript numbers to match authors & institutions)

  • Present the authors' affiliation addresses below the names. Indicate all affiliations with a superscript number immediately after the author's name and in front of the appropriate address (refer to the sample abstract below).

  • Abstract: Arial, size 11

  1. Name of Authors and Co-authors

  • Please clearly indicate the given name(s) and family name(s) of each author and check that all names are accurately spelled.

  • Institutional affiliations

  • The name of the presenting author must be bold.

  1. Each abstract is required to have Background, Objective(s), Method(s), Result(s), and Conclusion(s) and Keyword(s) sections for research presentation, while for case report presentation should have Introduction, Case Presentation, Case Discussion and Conclusion.
  2. Tables, charts, graphs or references should NOT be included in the abstract. If included, the Organizer reserves the right to delete them.

  3. Conference registration is compulsory for all presenting authors.


Below is the abstract template.


Abstract Template (RESEARCH)




Surname INITIALS1, Surname INITIALS1 and Surname INITIALS2 

  1. Department, Faculty, University 

  2. Department, Faculty, University


Background: The abstract of an article should be its clear, concise and accurate summary. It should be single-spaced in 11-point Arial. Be sure to adhere to the word limitation for the abstract (300 words). Use of abbreviations should be avoided and the references should not be cited in the abstract. Ideally, each abstract should include background, objective(s), Method(s), Results(s) and Conclusion. However, the heading can vary, but must state the purpose of the study, details of the participants, measurements, methods, main findings and conclusion.


























Keywords: paragraph; single; summarizes; word limitation (maximum 5 words).


*Please provide key words in alphabetical order separated with semicolons, not included in the title.


Abstract Template (CLINICAL CASE REPORT)




Surname INITIALS1, Surname INITIALS1 and Surname INITIALS2 


  1. Department, Faculty, University 

  2. Department, Faculty, University



Introduction: The abstract of an article should be its clear, concise and accurate summary. It should be single-spaced in 11-point Arial. Be sure to adhere to the word limitation for the abstract (300 words). Use of abbreviations should be avoided and the references should not be cited in the abstract. 

Ideally, each abstract should include Case Presentation, Discussion and Conclusion

  • Describe the context of the case and explain its relevance and importance 

  • Describe whether the case is unique. If not, does the case have an unusual diagnosis, prognosis, therapy or harm? Is the case an unusual presentation of a common condition? Or an unusual complication of a disease or management? 

  • Describe the instructive or teaching points that add value to this case. Does it demonstrate a cost-effective approach to management or alternative diagnostic/treatment

However, the heading can vary, but must state the purpose of the study, details of the participants, measurements, methods, main findings and conclusion.


Case presentation: Follow the basic rules case report summary. Report the case in sequence. 

  • Describe the history, examination, and investigations adequately. Is the cause of the patient's illness clear-cut? What are other plausible explanations? 

  • Describe the treatments adequately. Have all available therapeutic options been considered? Are outcomes related to treatments? Include the patient’s progress and outcome


Case discussion: Discuss the rationale for the decisions that were made and the lesson from the case. 

  • Report a literature review of other similar cases. Describe how this case is different from those previously reported. 

  • Explain the rationale for reporting the case. What is unusual about the case? Does it challenge prevailing wisdom? 

  • In the future, could things be done differently in a similar case?





 Keywords: paragraph; single; summarizes; word limitation (maximum 5 words).

Please provide key words in alphabetical order separated with semicolons, not included in the title.

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