Anthropogenic Impacts on Coastal Processes

Anthropogenic activities are at present, on a scale that can significantly change the environment and human health. The foremost example is how CO2 emissions from human activities is recognized as one of the main cause of global climate change. We are now seeing more and more examples of how the environment and human health are being affected by human activities. The increasing occurrence of eutrophication, hypoxia, harmful algal bloom, mass fish death, water-borne infections, and increasing antibiotic resistance are evidences of anthropogenic impact. For this session, we invite contributions from all areas of research on coastal biogeochemistry, eutrophication, hypoxia, harmful algal bloom, mass fish death, water-borne infections and bacterial antibiotic resistance related to anthropogenic impact. Contributions that identify novel concepts, fundamental challenges, and the future directions of this fast growing field of research are also encouraged.

Topics under this session:

  • Coastal process management and engineering

  • Marine pollution and biogeochemistry

  • Oceanic and Coastal Productivity

  • Harmful algal blooms, eutrophication and hypoxia